Intro / Navigation

I have started putting this together to help me with trading and the many questions I receive during trade negotiations. I will try to add more content and expand it continuously. What I am planning to write about are: how I started trading, how you can start trading, how to get accurate prices, how to avoid scammers, how to trade with me and more. I divided it into sections for better navigation and “linkability”.

How I Started

My first ever trade

My first ever trade was well before I have actually become a trader, but it’s still quite memorable. Back in 2013, when /r/GlobalOffensive/ had only a few thousand members and top posts had around 200 upvotes I was very active there. The first operation nicknamed “Payback” was still underway and the passes were discounted. The now famous Etherfast made a post on reddit, giving away passes and I was one of the recipients.

My first ever trade.

Sniffing around for business

On the August of that year Valve introduced “skins” and I started sniffing for business. Honestly I was at the right place at the right time. The price of cases and and what you would consider junk now were quite high and I could cash in on the early skin fever. By just playing the game, I received drops like anyone else and sold them on the market to gain some wallet balance. At that time it was possible to buy a weapon case key just by salling a few drops.

Trading cards were damn expensive back then.
The first few weapon cases held their value for much longer
When even drops had good prices.

As you can see, at the beginning even trading cards and simple everyday drops were kind of expensive. Weapon cases, especially the Bravo case which was being sold for €1-2 weeks after its release. This allowed me some slow, but steady gains.

Market Sniping

I started figuring out how the community market worked and it was not long after when I started making a bit of a business out of it. In hindsight I have to admit It was pretty lame and inefficient. I was sniping on the market. I would sit and watch the newly listed items on the market. Every now and then I would see an item listed on a somewhat lower price than usual. To get them before anyone else I had to know the prices for most of the items so I could click “buy” without having to check the price every time. At most times I would earn a cent or two by listing the item on a higher price. Sometime I got more lucky and earned 10-20 cents or more even. Of course these transactions are pretty laughable as I literality had to sit there and spend hours to find some decent deals. Should have found a better thing to waste my time on at the end of the summer, huh? Anyways, here are some of the more profitable ones:

Earned 22 cents on this transaction, I can still recall the thrill of purchasing an item under price.
Just 13 cents, but at the time was still considered to be one of the better transactions.

I managed to work my way up to about €50 after a volatile day of the bravo case. If I remember correctly it stopped dropping at the rate it was supposed to after just a day, driving the price up. Meanwhile some people kept listing them on seemingly random prices. Here is a snippet from that day:

One, if not the best of my profits during market sniping.

Not long after this I stopped market sniping. Nothing really happened for months, except I got some drops and sold those as well. Later I tried automating sniping with some relative success. When bravo cases were somewhere around €0.10 in price and the operation ended I decided to invest most of my money in them. I bought up 400 of them waiting for the opportunity to make some profit. The case’s price quickly started to surge in waves. I sold some at €0.20 and waited all the way up to €1 with some. All in all it was one of the events that later allowed me to enter trading as well.


I got into trading through reddit. I was lurking around on /r/GlobalOffensiveTrade/ for before I made my first move. I bought some keys and tried sniping “quicksells” as fast as possible. I was not very good at it, because back then I didn’t know about trading tools, etc. I had to manually put in every key, count and recount it before sending an offer. That put me in a considerable disadvantage. Still, I caught some cheap stuff that I put right back to reddit and lounge. I have done this for a while and kept improving my methods. For example I set up a system that looked for the “qs” and “quicksell” keywords in newly created posts on reddit and notified me. In case you are still in doubt, yes I was a dirty “quickbuyer”. Back then it did not have that bad of a reputation though, it was considered a normal and in a way essential part of trading. Then came the “go trad men”, “65% quickbuy” and similar russian guys from lounge ruining it for everyone.

Valve’s policies against fraud hurt this part of trading the most. Putting newly bought keys on hold slowed everything down to a halt. I had to adapt and change the way I traded so I grew my funds and expanded my reach by looking for trades on other sites as well. With some minor adjustments the way I traded is still essentially what I do today. To learn about what that exactly is just scroll down and read the next section.

How I Trade

Unlike most other big traders who deal with top float items, items with rare and expensive stickers, and blue gems I chose a different path. Rather than dealing with rare collectors' stuff, I trade more common items and go for the quantity. I used to advertise on CSGOLounge, CSGOTRADERS.NET, reddit, in some Steam groups and on the CS:GO Steam forum. I have also built a clientele of 2000 Steam friends and a trading group with 8000 members. I rely solely on the latter two now. In my posts I usually ask for downgrades with overpay, but in reality I do all kinds of trades, low to high, high to high, cheap items for an expensive, and more.

Trading all kinds of items allows me to interact with all kinds of people. I try to have as many successful trades every day as possible. I spend hours a day taking, considering, then countering or accepting offers, chatting with people, writing comments, updating trading posts and whatnot. I describe my workflow below. Item to item trading used to be my life, it's still a big part of it but I prefer a better work-life balance and also spending time on writing code.

You can find a video below of me getting home, sitting down to my PC and going to inbox zero with trades, chat messages, friend request and all while explaining what I do. One of my friends said that it's really chilling to watch me go through my trades and I should be streaming it so I decided that I will do a recording. I had several recordings up on YouTube and they became quite popular during the first lockdowns when people had nothing better to do. I have done some live streams too, the recording are available on my channel. I stopped making videos since I did not enjoy making them too much, making them took up a lot of my time and I do not need the attention / volume of people contacting me through here. The video might be educational for aspiring traders and interesting for random folks, enjoy!

Trading with me

This section is a guide to help you trade with me. I always recommend sending an offer first where you can also add a comment of what you are looking for. If you want my help choosing an item that you can afford or want to discuss the specifics of a multi-item trade feel free to add me.

Tips for sending an offer

  • Items: I trade mostly, but not exclusively in CS:GO items. I can accept items from other games as well, but only if they are marketable and easy to sell. I am not interested in rare, high value items that sell every two months or so.
  • When my items are tradable: My extension used to be able to show the remaning trade lock duration on items, but Valve removed an API endpoint that the extension used to gather this information so it's no longer available. I am currently working on a page for my site that will show trade locks.
  • Cheap items: I don't mind talking on cheaper items, but I have limited inventory space (CS:GO inventories are limited to 1000 items) so I basically have to sell any items below 4-5 euros after getting them. Also there are some occasions nowadays when I can't accept an offer that I like because I don't have the space. I try to free up some space or counter by taking some cheap items out of the trade. Since Valve added Storage Units I have also been juggling my items in and out of them.
  • Collector’s items: You have to understand that I don’t trade items to use them in-game, therefore I will have no advantage from cosmetic differences. I am not interested in items with top floats, amazing patterns and looks, katowice and other expensive stickered weapons. Items like these are dangerous for me, I don't always notice expensive stickers when sending or countering to offers. I have lost money giving away stickered items for the price of standard ones. I can value items with good floats over market, for exmaple I would not mind valuing 0.19 float mid-tier gloves as more expensive than the market price.
  • Find what you like: It’s easy to get lost in a big inventory clicking away between pages, but search and filters make it much easier! With a few keywords you can search for paint styles or knife types . With advanced filters you can filter for item types and categories . My extension also makes this easier. You can sort by price, float, stickers, etc.
  • Inspecting: With my extension you can inspect items without opening up the game. It is great if you are on a work computer without CS:GO installed for example. You can also inspect items on server, in-hand, it's like you already owned the item.
  • Include a message: With a trade offer you can also include a message ! Use it to tell me what kinds of items you are looking for other than what you send the offer for. This makes counter offering much easier!
  • Pricing: I have created a whole section about pricing. If it’s still too complicated or you are not sure, feel free to add me on steam.
  • Accounts: Trading accounts is against every site’s terms of service. It is also very easy to recover an account after the trade through customer support rendering the deal void. For these reasons I do not trade and am not interested in any kinds of accounts, be it Steam, Origin, Uplay, LoL or else.
  • Games: Sorry, I am not interested in Steam game gifts or keys. The same applies for every other service.
  • Holds: Unlike many other traders I don’t have that big of a problem with trade holds. If you don’t have steam mobile authenticator you can still trade with me, although I will ask for more overpay if you want me to wait two weeks. If you are not sure what trade holds are or why you might have them then check out Steam’s relevant Knowledge Base article .
  • Trade locks: If there is an item in your inventory, but you can’t see it in the trade window then it is not tradable. Items that you got - whether traded, unboxed or bought on the market - in the past week are trade locked. This policy was enforced by Valve because of widespread fraud, money laundering and gambling sites.

Tips for adding me

  • Civility: I always try to be civil and understanding and I expect some degree of politeness from you as well. If you start throwing insults or profanities at me I will remove you from my friend list.
  • Language: I communicate in english during trade negotiations so I expect you to be able to understand and use the language to some degree. You can try to use Google Translate, but it can produce some very confusing results.
  • Idea: If you add me please have something thought out of what you want. I don’t like when I get messages like “Hey I have x item offer me something, I don’t care what!”. At least tell me what types of items you like/are looking for.
  • Private and friends-only profile: I don’t accept private profiles because that way I have no information to asses someone and most people with private profiles are scammers anyways. Steam has a Knowledge Base article about setting profile privacy settings that you can use to make your profile public before adding me.
  • Private and friends-only inventory: If I can’t see what you have and you don’t notify me about it beforehand then I will very likely ignore your friend request. Same as for profiles you should change the privacy settings before adding me.
  • Empty inventory: If you add me without telling me why and you have an empty inventory I will just assume that you either want to scam me or you will beg for free items. We can’t trade if you don’t have items, so I ignore profiles with empty or close to empty inventories.
  • Bans: Vac bans do not disqualify you right away, but I don’t like cheaters and their excuses so It decreases the chances of accepting. Trade banned or SteamRep flagged accounts will be ignored.
  • Real money: You can buy items from me with Crypto or Bank transfer (for most countries). However you will have to go first since I have extensive reputation . I also list my tradable items on many Peer-to-Peer markets. I deliver within a few minutes, unless of course I am sleeping.

As you have probably guessed I trade for profit. I do not require enormous overpays like others and I can undercut trading site prices as well. Feel free to leave a recommendation comment on my profile after our trade, I will very likely return the favour.


I have my items listed on a wide variety of peer-to-peer CS:GO marketplaces. This is a collection of my "stores" on said markets. I can't vouch for them, but trust all of them with my own money. If you can't find an item that you see in my inventory, then it's probably not tradable yet. You might notice that my skins have different prices on each marketplace, this is usually because the different markets have different fee structures for sales and balance withdrawals. They also focus on different parts of the world, find the one with the most suitable payment method for you!

I deliver sold items in a few minutes unless I am asleep in that case it might take a few hours until I wake up. I also include a few referral links, if you use those to sign up then you will support me, and you might get a reward yourself.

Item List

Since you can't check when others' items become tradable anymore I spend a lot of my time answering questions about it, I decided to make this section to help reduce that. I also include the price of the item if it is tradable. The prices are negotiable in most cases. I plan to update the this table every day.

List updated: Sat Dec 09 2023 14:54:59 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time)

Item Name Tradabilty Float Price Comment
Butterfly Knife Doppler (Sapphire) FN Tradable 0.0621 $17675.99
Butterfly Knife Gamma Doppler (Emerald) FN Tradable 0.0177 $15958.99 0.01, emerald
ST Butterfly Knife Doppler (Sapphire) FN Tradable 0.0077 $12625.99 0.007, sapphire
Karambit Doppler (Sapphire) FN Tradable 0.0080 $9789.99 0.008, sapphire
M9 Bayonet Doppler (Ruby) FN Tradable 0.0323 $9739.99 0.03, ruby
Butterfly Knife Doppler (Ruby) FN Tradable 0.0321 $9595.99 0.03, ruby
Butterfly Knife Doppler (Ruby) FN Tradable 0.0104 $9287.99 0.010, ruby
M9 Bayonet Doppler (Ruby) FN Tradable 0.0655 $9007.99
Karambit Doppler (Black Pearl) FN Tradable 0.0328 $6597.99
AWP Dragon Lore FT Tradable 0.3704 $5680.99
AWP Dragon Lore FT Tradable 0.3003 $5680.99
Karambit Crimson Web FN Tradable 0.0683 $5482.99
Talon Knife Doppler (Sapphire) FN Tradable 0.0316 $4464.99
Sport Gloves Pandora's Box FT Tradable 0.3638 $4003.99
Sport Gloves Omega FN Tradable 0.0672 $3947.99
Skeleton Knife Crimson Web FN Tradable 0.0658 $3503.99
Butterfly Knife Doppler (Phase 2) FN Tradable 0.0210 $3333.99 0.02, p2
Talon Knife Doppler (Black Pearl) FN Tradable 0.0357 $3270.99
AK-47 X-Ray FN Tradable 0.0079 $2976.99 0.007, hellraisers atlanta 17
Butterfly Knife Fade MW 2023-12-13 0.0767
Butterfly Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 2) FN 2023-12-13 0.0333
AWP Medusa MW 2023-12-13 0.0975
ST Butterfly Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 3) FN Tradable 0.0015 $2525.99 0.001, p3
Karambit Fade FN Tradable 0.0144 $2467.99 0.01
Karambit Fade FN 2023-12-13 0.0348
Ursus Knife Doppler (Sapphire) FN Tradable 0.0072 $2393.99 0.007, sapphire
Ursus Knife Doppler (Sapphire) FN Tradable 0.0265 $2326.99
Ursus Knife Doppler (Ruby) FN Tradable 0.0076 $2272.99 0.007, ruby
Butterfly Knife Lore MW Tradable 0.1037 $2254.99 0.10
Butterfly Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 4) FN 2023-12-12 0.0618
Skeleton Knife Fade MW Tradable 0.0745 $2134.99 99% fade
M9 Bayonet Lore MW Tradable 0.0810 $2041.99 0.08
Karambit Autotronic FN Tradable 0.0125 $1913.99 0.01
Butterfly Knife Marble Fade FN 2023-12-13 0.0091
Butterfly Knife Marble Fade FN Tradable 0.0513 $1889.99
Butterfly Knife Marble Fade FN Tradable 0.0351 $1889.99
Skeleton Knife Fade FN Tradable 0.0052 $1868.99 0.005, 94% fade
Karambit Autotronic FN Tradable 0.0697 $1832.99
M9 Bayonet Fade FN 2023-12-11 0.0662
M9 Bayonet Fade FN Tradable 0.0269 $1825.99
M9 Bayonet Fade FN Tradable 0.0139 $1825.99
Skeleton Knife Fade FN Tradable 0.0039 $1814.99 0.003, 90% fade
Skeleton Knife Fade FN Tradable 0.0085 $1704.99 0.008
Moto Gloves POW! FN Tradable 0.0666 $1690.99
Skeleton Knife Fade FN 2023-12-10 0.0114
Skeleton Knife Fade FN Tradable 0.0073 $1669.99 0.007
M4A1-S Welcome to the Jungle MW Tradable 0.0989 $1550.99 0.09
Skeleton Knife Fade MW Tradable 0.0728 $1508.99
ST Nomad Knife Fade MW Tradable 0.0712 $1409.99 96% fade
Glock-18 Fade FN 2023-12-13 0.0145
M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 2) FN 2023-12-15 0.0331
Butterfly Knife Lore FT 2023-12-13 0.3325
ST M9 Bayonet Marble Fade FN Tradable 0.0472 $1226.99
Nomad Knife Fade FN Tradable 0.0035 $1212.99 0.003
Karambit Doppler (Phase 1) FN 2023-12-11 0.0619
M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 4) FN Tradable 0.0152 $1157.99 0.01, p4
Talon Knife Doppler (Phase 2) FN 2023-12-15 0.0202
Talon Knife Doppler (Phase 2) FN Tradable 0.0376 $1153.99
Specialist Gloves Fade MW Tradable 0.1221 $1111.99 0.12
Nomad Knife Fade FN Tradable 0.0014 $1098.99 0.001
Specialist Gloves Fade MW 2023-12-12 0.1217
M4A4 Eye of Horus FN 2023-12-12 0.0645
M4A4 Eye of Horus FN 2023-12-12 0.0695
Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike MW Tradable 0.1351 $1021.99
Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike MW Tradable 0.1387 $1021.99
Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike MW Tradable 0.1487 $1021.99
Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike MW Tradable 0.1482 $1021.99
Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike MW Tradable 0.1381 $1021.99
Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike MW Tradable 0.1445 $1021.99
Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike MW Tradable 0.1382 $1021.99
ST M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 3) FN Tradable 0.0344 $1015.99
M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 1) FN 2023-12-11 0.0077
Nomad Knife Fade FN Tradable 0.0324 $997.99
Nomad Knife Fade FN Tradable 0.0286 $997.99
Nomad Knife Fade FN Tradable 0.0108 $997.99
Nomad Knife Fade FN Tradable 0.0316 $997.99
Nomad Knife Fade FN Tradable 0.0080 $997.99 0.008
Specialist Gloves Marble Fade MW Tradable 0.1415 $978.99
M9 Bayonet Tiger Tooth FN 2023-12-16 0.0312
ST Talon Knife Doppler (Phase 3) FN Tradable 0.0665 $944.99
Hand Wraps Overprint FN Tradable 0.0620 $944.99
M4A4 Eye of Horus MW Tradable 0.0934 $940.99 0.09
M4A4 Eye of Horus MW Tradable 0.0951 $940.99 0.09
Talon Knife Doppler (Phase 1) FN 2023-12-17 0.0080
Talon Knife Doppler (Phase 1) FN 2023-12-12 0.0098
Karambit Blue Steel FN Tradable 0.0264 $930.99
M4A4 Eye of Horus MW Tradable 0.0984 $929.99 0.09
Butterfly Knife Bright Water FN 2023-12-12 0.0546
Butterfly Knife Bright Water FN 2023-12-12 0.0583
Butterfly Knife Ultraviolet MW Tradable 0.1498 $902.99
Butterfly Knife Ultraviolet MW Tradable 0.1225 $902.99
Butterfly Knife Ultraviolet MW Tradable 0.1423 $902.99
ST Butterfly Knife Black Laminate MW Tradable 0.1110 $873.99
ST Karambit Stained FN Tradable 0.0314 $873.99
Butterfly Knife Autotronic BS Tradable 0.5386 $871.99
M9 Bayonet Autotronic FT Tradable 0.2731 $864.99
Butterfly Knife Black Laminate FT 2023-12-14 0.2355
Butterfly Knife Black Laminate FT Tradable 0.2686 $859.99
M4A4 Poseidon MW Tradable 0.1471 $824.99
Karambit Stained FN Tradable 0.0599 $809.99
AUG Surveillance FN Tradable 3.2485 $808.99 0.000000032, #1, crown
ST M9 Bayonet Lore FT Tradable 0.3141 $796.99
ST M9 Bayonet Lore FT Tradable 0.2889 $796.99
Butterfly Knife Black Laminate BS Tradable 0.5048 $781.99
AK-47 Jet Set FN Tradable 0.0679 $775.99
AK-47 Jet Set FN Tradable 0.0690 $775.99
Butterfly Knife Case Hardened FT 2023-12-14 0.2996
Bayonet Doppler (Phase 2) FN Tradable 0.0168 $753.99 0.01, p2
Bayonet Doppler (Phase 2) FN 2023-12-10 0.0177
Skeleton Knife Crimson Web FT 2023-12-15 0.3329
Bayonet Case Hardened FN Tradable 0.0403 $728.99
Bayonet Case Hardened FN Tradable 0.0169 $728.99
ST Butterfly Knife Damascus Steel BS Tradable 0.4837 $725.99
ST AK-47 Fuel Injector FN Tradable 0.0686 $718.99
Butterfly Knife Bright Water FT Tradable 0.2005 $710.99 0.20
ST Gut Knife Lore WW Tradable 0.3938 $704.99
ST Karambit Crimson Web WW 2023-12-13 0.4065
Sport Gloves Slingshot FT 2023-12-11 0.3691
Sport Gloves Slingshot FT Tradable 0.3530 $690.99
ST Skeleton Knife Crimson Web WW Tradable 0.4019 $690.99
Specialist Gloves Crimson Kimono BS 2023-12-14 0.7935
Ursus Knife Fade FN Tradable 0.0348 $668.99 97% fade
Shadow Daggers Doppler (Sapphire) FN 2023-12-16 0.0114
AK-47 Vulcan FT Tradable 0.2717 $661.99 lumi mlg 16 holo
M4A1-S Hot Rod MW Tradable 0.0758 $657.99
Flip Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 1) FN 2023-12-16 0.0440
Glock-18 Gamma Doppler (Emerald) FN Tradable 0.0343 $636.99 0.03
Ursus Knife Fade FN 2023-12-15 0.0228
Classic Knife Fade FN Tradable 0.0238 $633.99
Classic Knife Fade FN Tradable 0.0342 $633.99
Classic Knife Fade FN Tradable 0.0359 $633.99
Ursus Knife Fade FN Tradable 0.0199 $633.99
Flip Knife Autotronic FN Tradable 0.0173 $631.99 0.01
Flip Knife Autotronic FN Tradable 0.0151 $626.99 0.01
Butterfly Knife Case Hardened BS 2023-12-12 0.8445
Bayonet Doppler (Phase 4) FN 2023-12-10 0.0094
AUG Akihabara Accept FT Tradable 0.3080 $606.99
ST Nomad Knife Slaughter FN Tradable 0.0174 $606.99 0.01
ST Huntsman Knife Fade FN Tradable 0.0312 $596.99 93% fade
Karambit Night MW Tradable 0.1410 $595.99
ST AWP Oni Taiji MW 2023-12-10 0.1260
Bayonet Doppler (Phase 1) FN 2023-12-15 0.0646
Bayonet Doppler (Phase 1) FN 2023-12-14 0.0355
Bayonet Doppler (Phase 1) FN 2023-12-13 0.0193
Bayonet Doppler (Phase 1) FN 2023-12-10 0.0316
Butterfly Knife Night FT 2023-12-14 0.2808
Bayonet Doppler (Phase 3) FN 2023-12-17 0.0478
Huntsman Knife Doppler (Phase 2) FN 2023-12-13 0.0166
ST Stiletto Knife Case Hardened FN Tradable 0.0611 $572.99
Talon Knife Slaughter MW 2023-12-14 0.1165
Butterfly Knife Rust Coat BS 2023-12-11 0.5641
Desert Eagle Blaze FN 2023-12-12 0.0321
Desert Eagle Blaze FN 2023-12-10 0.0114
Butterfly Knife Boreal Forest MW 2023-12-10 0.1248
Talon Knife Case Hardened MW Tradable 0.1254 $555.99
Karambit Bright Water MW 2023-12-16 0.1023
Glock-18 Gamma Doppler (Emerald) FN Tradable 0.0690 $551.99
Glock-18 Gamma Doppler (Emerald) FN Tradable 0.0678 $551.99
Glock-18 Gamma Doppler (Emerald) FN Tradable 0.0698 $551.99
M9 Bayonet Freehand MW Tradable 0.0793 $551.99 0.07
ST Nomad Knife Crimson Web MW Tradable 0.1267 $535.99
ESL Skull (Foil) Katowice 2014 undefined Tradable $535.99
Sticker ESL Skull (Foil) Katowice 2014 Tradable $535.99
UMP-45 Fade MW Tradable 0.0753 $534.99
Bayonet Black Laminate FN Tradable 0.0358 $533.99
Butterfly Knife Night BS Tradable 0.7434 $521.99
Ursus Knife Doppler (Phase 2) FN Tradable 0.0530 $520.99
Navaja Knife Doppler (Black Pearl) FN Tradable 0.0359 $518.99
Karambit Ultraviolet FT 2023-12-14 0.3794
Bowie Knife Lore FN Tradable 0.0295 $515.99 0.02
Butterfly Knife Safari Mesh FT Tradable 0.2342 $515.99 0.23
Ursus Knife Doppler (Phase 1) FN Tradable 0.0066 $508.99 0.006, p1
ST Flip Knife Autotronic FN Tradable 0.0275 $507.99
Bowie Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 3) MW Tradable 0.0777 $505.99
AWP Lightning Strike FN 2023-12-12 0.0131
AWP Lightning Strike FN 2023-12-10 0.0357
Butterfly Knife Urban Masked FT 2023-12-16 0.2216
Paracord Knife Fade FN Tradable 0.0087 $488.99 0.008
Paracord Knife Fade FN Tradable 0.0088 $488.99 0.008
Ursus Knife Doppler (Phase 3) FN Tradable 0.0073 $487.99 0.007, p3
ST Butterfly Knife Forest DDPAT WW Tradable 0.4125 $486.99
Paracord Knife Fade FN 2023-12-17 0.0345
Paracord Knife Fade FN 2023-12-13 0.0241
Paracord Knife Fade FN 2023-12-13 0.0354
Paracord Knife Fade FN 2023-12-13 0.0344
Paracord Knife Fade FN 2023-12-13 0.0213
Paracord Knife Fade FN 2023-12-13 0.0320
Paracord Knife Fade FN 2023-12-13 0.0230
Paracord Knife Fade FN 2023-12-13 0.0290
Paracord Knife Fade FN 2023-12-13 0.0562
Paracord Knife Fade FN 2023-12-13 0.0342
Paracord Knife Fade FN 2023-12-13 0.0329
Paracord Knife Fade FN 2023-12-13 0.0069
Butterfly Knife Urban Masked BS 2023-12-12 0.6104
Butterfly Knife Safari Mesh FT Tradable 0.3759 $479.99
Butterfly Knife Safari Mesh FT Tradable 0.2328 $479.99
Butterfly Knife Safari Mesh FT Tradable 0.3010 $479.99
Butterfly Knife Safari Mesh FT Tradable 0.2008 $479.99
Butterfly Knife Safari Mesh FT Tradable 0.3789 $479.99
Butterfly Knife Forest DDPAT BS 2023-12-12 0.7680
M4A1-S Icarus Fell FN Tradable 0.0222 $476.99 0.02, liduiq stickers
Butterfly Knife Scorched BS Tradable 0.5260 $472.99
M9 Bayonet Stained MW Tradable 0.1401 $472.99
Sport Gloves Omega FT 2023-12-12 0.3773
Survival Knife Fade FN Tradable 0.0328 $466.99 95% fade
ST USP-S Kill Confirmed FN 2023-12-16 0.0698
Huntsman Knife Doppler (Phase 4) FN 2023-12-14 0.0519
ST AK-47 Jaguar FN Tradable 0.0684 $458.99
ST Talon Knife Stained FN Tradable 0.0308 $455.99
Bowie Knife Doppler (Phase 4) FN 2023-12-13 0.0574
Bowie Knife Fade FN 2023-12-13 0.0075
M9 Bayonet Stained FT 2023-12-10 0.2416
ST Bayonet Autotronic FT 2023-12-16 0.3494
Huntsman Knife Doppler (Phase 1) FN Tradable 0.0111 $447.99
ST AWP Oni Taiji FT Tradable 0.3246 $444.99 paris 23 golds
Nomad Knife FT 2023-12-11 0.1633
Nomad Knife FT Tradable 0.2161 $443.99
Flip Knife Crimson Web MW Tradable 0.1414 $436.99
Nomad Knife Slaughter MW 2023-12-17 0.1128
DreamHack 2013 Souvenir Package undefined Tradable $422.99
Huntsman Knife Doppler (Phase 3) FN Tradable 0.0066 $418.99 0.006, p3
Flip Knife Case Hardened MW Tradable 0.1356 $414.99 half blue
Ursus Knife Marble Fade FN Tradable 0.0088 $413.99 0.008
Bowie Knife Doppler (Phase 1) FN Tradable 0.0142 $413.99
AK-47 Fuel Injector FN Tradable 0.0697 $413.99
AK-47 Fuel Injector FN Tradable 0.0696 $413.99
AK-47 Fuel Injector FN Tradable 0.0675 $413.99
AK-47 Fuel Injector FN Tradable 0.0662 $413.99
AK-47 Fuel Injector FN Tradable 0.0689 $413.99
AK-47 Fuel Injector FN Tradable 0.0673 $413.99
Bowie Knife Doppler (Phase 1) FN Tradable 0.0295 $413.99
Bowie Knife Doppler (Phase 1) FN Tradable 0.0333 $413.99
Bowie Knife Doppler (Phase 1) FN Tradable 0.0284 $413.99
Bowie Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 1) FN Tradable 0.0250 $412.99
Bowie Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 2) FN Tradable 0.0533 $412.99
M9 Bayonet Stained WW 2023-12-14 0.3914
ST Nomad Knife Slaughter MW Tradable 0.1180 $408.99
Nomad Knife Slaughter FT Tradable 0.2416 $406.99
M4A4 The Coalition FN Tradable 0.0687 $406.99
ST Nomad Knife FT Tradable 0.3594 $404.99
ST Navaja Knife Case Hardened FN Tradable 0.0077 $404.99 0.007, low rank 1
Flip Knife WW 2023-12-12 0.3880
Flip Knife WW Tradable 0.3815 $397.99
Ursus Knife Marble Fade FN 2023-12-12 0.0094
ST Karambit Urban Masked FT 2023-12-16 0.3310
ST Karambit Boreal Forest WW 2023-12-12 0.3901
MP7 Whiteout FN Tradable 0.0699 $394.99
Stiletto Knife WW Tradable 0.3806 $391.99
Stiletto Knife FT Tradable 0.2749 $391.99
Stiletto Knife WW Tradable 0.4135 $391.99
Falchion Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 1) FN 2023-12-14 0.0173
Falchion Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 1) FN 2023-12-11 0.0352
Falchion Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 1) FN 2023-12-10 0.0642
Falchion Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 1) FN Tradable 0.0225 $389.99
Falchion Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 1) FN Tradable 0.0345 $389.99
Falchion Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 1) FN Tradable 0.0379 $389.99
Falchion Knife Doppler (Phase 1) FN Tradable 0.0236 $389.99
Falchion Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 1) FN Tradable 0.0338 $389.99
Driver Gloves Snow Leopard FT 2023-12-14 0.3720
AK-47 Vulcan MW 2023-12-16 0.0966
M9 Bayonet Safari Mesh MW Tradable 0.0859 $380.99 0.08
ST M4A4 Asiimov FT Tradable 0.3486 $377.99
ST M4A1-S Printstream MW 2023-12-10 0.1464
Karambit Safari Mesh WW 2023-12-13 0.4424
Skeleton Knife Night Stripe MW 2023-12-13 0.1356
Talon Knife Scorched MW Tradable 0.0774 $344.99 0.07
Talon Knife Stained MW 2023-12-10 0.1311
Talon Knife Stained MW 2023-12-10 0.1413
ST M9 Bayonet Scorched FT 2023-12-14 0.1834
ST Bowie Knife Slaughter MW Tradable 0.0819 $338.99
Ursus Knife Tiger Tooth FN Tradable 0.0083 $334.99 0.008
Skeleton Knife Case Hardened BS 2023-12-17 0.5820
Huntsman Knife Marble Fade FN 2023-12-16 0.0133
Hand Wraps Cobalt Skulls FT 2023-12-15 0.2329
Hand Wraps Cobalt Skulls FT 2023-12-12 0.3765
Hand Wraps Cobalt Skulls FT Tradable 0.3747 $332.99
Hand Wraps Cobalt Skulls FT Tradable 0.3706 $332.99
AWP Containment Breach FN 2023-12-14 0.0699
AWP Containment Breach FN 2023-12-13 0.0480
M9 Bayonet Safari Mesh FT Tradable 0.3749 $327.99
M9 Bayonet Safari Mesh FT Tradable 0.2992 $327.99
M9 Bayonet Safari Mesh FT Tradable 0.3566 $327.99
Falchion Knife Case Hardened FN Tradable 0.0583 $322.99
Bowie Knife Slaughter FN 2023-12-10 0.0592
Classic Knife BS 2023-12-13 0.6978
Classic Knife WW 2023-12-13 0.4124
Classic Knife FT 2023-12-13 0.3741
Classic Knife MW 2023-12-11 0.1256
Classic Knife FT Tradable 0.3743 $318.99
Classic Knife BS Tradable 0.4796 $318.99
Classic Knife BS Tradable 0.7573 $318.99
Bayonet Case Hardened BS 2023-12-11 0.5673
Nomad Knife Case Hardened FT 2023-12-15 0.3675
Ursus Knife WW 2023-12-12 0.3832
Ursus Knife FT Tradable 0.2770 $311.99
Ursus Knife FT Tradable 0.1705 $311.99
Ursus Knife MW Tradable 0.1250 $311.99
Ursus Knife FT Tradable 0.3515 $311.99
Ursus Knife FT Tradable 0.3633 $311.99
Ursus Knife BS Tradable 0.5126 $311.99
Ursus Knife BS Tradable 0.7262 $311.99
Negev Anodized Navy FN Tradable 0.0335 $310.99
Moto Gloves Finish Line MW Tradable 0.1217 $303.99 0.12
Shadow Daggers Doppler (Phase 2) FN Tradable 0.0320 $301.99
Huntsman Knife Crimson Web MW 2023-12-16 0.1200
Huntsman Knife Crimson Web MW 2023-12-14 0.1421
Ursus Knife Slaughter MW Tradable 0.0744 $294.99
ST Stiletto Knife Case Hardened FT Tradable 0.2260 $294.99
Huntsman Knife Case Hardened FT Tradable 0.2900 $292.99 half blue/blaze
Gut Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 2) FN Tradable 0.0407 $291.99
ST AK-47 The Empress FN 2023-12-10 0.0463
Specialist Gloves Marble Fade FT 2023-12-10 0.2453
Specialist Gloves Marble Fade FT Tradable 0.3789 $287.99
Specialist Gloves Marble Fade FT Tradable 0.3798 $287.99
Huntsman Knife Case Hardened FT Tradable 0.3041 $284.99 nice spots
Moto Gloves Cool Mint FT 2023-12-12 0.3510
Moto Gloves Turtle MW 2023-12-10 0.1387
Stiletto Knife Damascus Steel FN 2023-12-14 0.0490
Navaja Knife Fade FN Tradable 0.0115 $277.99 0.01, 98% fade
Specialist Gloves Foundation FT 2023-12-10 0.3645
ST Skeleton Knife Urban Masked MW Tradable 0.1437 $274.99
Huntsman Knife Case Hardened FT Tradable 0.3343 $273.99 nice blaze
Driver Gloves Imperial Plaid FT 2023-12-14 0.3751
Bayonet Crimson Web FT 2023-12-13 0.3345
Bayonet Crimson Web FT 2023-12-13 0.3088
Bayonet Crimson Web FT 2023-12-13 0.2537
Bayonet Crimson Web BS Tradable 0.6068 $270.99
Survival Knife Slaughter FN 2023-12-13 0.0659
Survival Knife Slaughter FN 2023-12-13 0.0517
Survival Knife Slaughter FN 2023-12-13 0.0474
Paracord Knife Slaughter MW 2023-12-13 0.1178
Paracord Knife Slaughter MW 2023-12-13 0.1203
Bayonet Damascus Steel FT 2023-12-11 0.3687
Glock-18 Gamma Doppler (Emerald) MW Tradable 0.1404 $264.99 emerald, stickers
Huntsman Knife Case Hardened FT Tradable 0.2543 $260.99
Huntsman Knife Case Hardened FT Tradable 0.2034 $260.99
Huntsman Knife Case Hardened FT Tradable 0.2185 $260.99
Huntsman Knife Case Hardened FT Tradable 0.2468 $260.99
Huntsman Knife Case Hardened FT Tradable 0.2788 $260.99
Huntsman Knife Case Hardened FT Tradable 0.3523 $260.99
Flip Knife Crimson Web FT 2023-12-14 0.3027
Navaja Knife Fade FN Tradable 0.0340 $259.99 96% fade
Navaja Knife Fade FN Tradable 0.0104 $259.99 0.01, 96%
Huntsman Knife Tiger Tooth FN 2023-12-16 0.0657
Bowie Knife Tiger Tooth FN 2023-12-13 0.0345
Bowie Knife Tiger Tooth FN 2023-12-13 0.0168
Bowie Knife Tiger Tooth FN 2023-12-13 0.0239
ST Desert Eagle Crimson Web FN Tradable 0.0698 $253.99
ST Navaja Knife Urban Masked BS Tradable 0.6302 $253.99
ST M4A4 Royal Paladin FN Tradable 0.0696 $253.99
ST Ursus Knife Stained FN Tradable 0.0500 $253.99
ST FAMAS Hexane FN Tradable 0.0513 $252.99 vox kato 14 holo
Talon Knife Forest DDPAT MW 2023-12-13 0.1456
Specialist Gloves Field Agent FT Tradable 0.2736 $247.99 0.27
ST AK-47 Fuel Injector FT 2023-12-14 0.1969
Driver Gloves Imperial Plaid WW 2023-12-14 0.4136
Sport Gloves Scarlet Shamagh FT 2023-12-17 0.3637
Bayonet Stained FT 2023-12-13 0.1944
Navaja Knife Fade FN 2023-12-13 0.0282
Navaja Knife Fade FN 2023-12-12 0.0179
Navaja Knife Fade FN 2023-12-11 0.0347
Bayonet Stained FT Tradable 0.3553 $242.99
Navaja Knife Fade FN Tradable 0.0275 $242.99
ST Stiletto Knife Stained MW Tradable 0.1405 $241.99
Nomad Knife Blue Steel WW 2023-12-10 0.4332
Skeleton Knife Night Stripe BS Tradable 0.5741 $238.99
Skeleton Knife Scorched MW Tradable 0.1476 $238.99
Specialist Gloves Crimson Web FT 2023-12-14 0.3141
AWP Silk Tiger FN 2023-12-12 0.0573
Sport Gloves Nocts FT 2023-12-11 0.3792
Bowie Knife Lore MW 2023-12-12 0.1465
Skeleton Knife Urban Masked FT 2023-12-17 0.3622
Shadow Daggers Doppler (Phase 1) FN 2023-12-16 0.0326
Shadow Daggers Doppler (Phase 1) FN 2023-12-14 0.0101
Desert Eagle Sunset Storm 弐 FT Tradable 0.3352 $225.99
ST AK-47 Vulcan WW 2023-12-16 0.3829
ST AK-47 Vulcan WW Tradable 0.3810 $224.99
Huntsman Knife Autotronic MW Tradable 0.1230 $223.99
Hand Wraps Cobalt Skulls BS 2023-12-14 0.6451
Bayonet Stained BS 2023-12-14 0.9456
Bayonet Stained BS 2023-12-11 0.7949
Moto Gloves POW! FT 2023-12-11 0.3216
Moto Gloves POW! FT Tradable 0.3616 $221.99
Moto Gloves POW! FT Tradable 0.3622 $221.99
Flip Knife Case Hardened WW Tradable 0.4309 $220.99
Stiletto Knife Crimson Web BS Tradable 0.5872 $220.99
Skeleton Knife Scorched FT Tradable 0.3707 $219.99
ST Skeleton Knife Safari Mesh WW Tradable 0.3839 $218.99
Falchion Knife Slaughter MW 2023-12-12 0.1121
Falchion Knife Slaughter MW 2023-12-12 0.1128
Flip Knife Case Hardened BS 2023-12-10 0.9407
AK-47 Vulcan FT Tradable 0.2833 $213.99 0.28, kinguin stickers
Navaja Knife Doppler (Phase 2) FN 2023-12-12 0.0087
Flip Knife Freehand MW Tradable 0.0791 $211.99 0.07
Navaja Knife Doppler (Phase 2) FN Tradable 0.0502 $211.99
Survival Knife FT 2023-12-11 0.2508
Survival Knife FT Tradable 0.2399 $210.99
Survival Knife FT Tradable 0.2698 $210.99
Survival Knife FT Tradable 0.3299 $210.99
Five-SeveN Neon Kimono MW Tradable 0.1392 $209.99
Shadow Daggers Doppler (Phase 3) FN 2023-12-15 0.0261
Shadow Daggers Doppler (Phase 3) FN 2023-12-14 0.0324
Shadow Daggers Doppler (Phase 3) FN 2023-12-14 0.0177
Shadow Daggers Doppler (Phase 3) FN 2023-12-13 0.0330
Shadow Daggers Doppler (Phase 3) FN 2023-12-11 0.0315
ST Skeleton Knife Safari Mesh FT Tradable 0.1972 $208.99
Sport Gloves Big Game FT 2023-12-12 0.2961
Hand Wraps Overprint FT 2023-12-16 0.3086
Gut Knife Doppler (Phase 2) FN 2023-12-12 0.0333
Gut Knife Doppler (Phase 2) FN 2023-12-12 0.0208
Gut Knife Doppler (Phase 2) FN 2023-12-10 0.0501
ST Paracord Knife Case Hardened WW Tradable 0.3918 $204.99
Falchion Knife Case Hardened MW Tradable 0.1087 $204.99
ST Skeleton Knife Safari Mesh BS Tradable 0.7261 $204.99
Skeleton Knife Safari Mesh FT 2023-12-15 0.3493
Skeleton Knife Safari Mesh FT 2023-12-14 0.2211
Skeleton Knife Safari Mesh FT 2023-12-10 0.1666
Paracord Knife BS 2023-12-11 0.7803
Paracord Knife FT 2023-12-11 0.3630
Paracord Knife WW 2023-12-11 0.3916
Paracord Knife WW 2023-12-11 0.3927
ST Navaja Knife Marble Fade FN 2023-12-11 0.0236
ST Navaja Knife Marble Fade FN 2023-12-11 0.0530
Sport Gloves Nocts WW 2023-12-10 0.3808
ST Survival Knife FT Tradable 0.3651 $195.99
ST Survival Knife FT Tradable 0.2676 $195.99
AK-47 Fuel Injector MW 2023-12-12 0.1173
ST Glock-18 Dragon Tattoo FN 2023-12-11 0.0624
ST Glock-18 Dragon Tattoo FN 2023-12-11 0.0354
Skeleton Knife Forest DDPAT BS 2023-12-17 0.6111
Broken Fang Gloves Jade MW 2023-12-16 0.1491
Hand Wraps CAUTION! FT 2023-12-17 0.3648
Skeleton Knife Boreal Forest BS 2023-12-17 0.4954
Hand Wraps CAUTION! FT 2023-12-16 0.2331
Hand Wraps CAUTION! FT 2023-12-16 0.2395
Hand Wraps CAUTION! FT 2023-12-15 0.3550
Hand Wraps CAUTION! FT 2023-12-15 0.2288
Navaja Knife Doppler (Phase 1) FN 2023-12-11 0.0202
Bowie Knife Case Hardened WW 2023-12-15 0.4468
Bowie Knife Crimson Web FT Tradable 0.3545 $187.99
Bowie Knife Crimson Web FT Tradable 0.3578 $187.99
Bowie Knife Case Hardened BS Tradable 0.7101 $187.99
Gut Knife Doppler (Phase 1) FN Tradable 0.0352 $187.99
Huntsman Knife Autotronic FT 2023-12-12 0.3507
Navaja Knife Doppler (Phase 4) FN 2023-12-12 0.0325
Hand Wraps Slaughter FT 2023-12-10 0.2275
ST AWP BOOM MW 2023-12-15 0.1291
Flip Knife Black Laminate FT 2023-12-12 0.1920
Huntsman Knife Damascus Steel FN 2023-12-16 0.0553
Flip Knife Freehand FT 2023-12-16 0.3078
Gut Knife Doppler (Phase 4) FN 2023-12-14 0.0065
Bowie Knife Crimson Web WW 2023-12-12 0.3824
Gut Knife Doppler (Phase 4) FN 2023-12-11 0.0145
Gut Knife Doppler (Phase 4) FN 2023-12-11 0.0097
Gut Knife Doppler (Phase 3) FN 2023-12-10 0.0213
Gut Knife Doppler (Phase 4) FN 2023-12-10 0.0087
Gut Knife Doppler (Phase 4) FN Tradable 0.0260 $181.99
Gut Knife Doppler (Phase 4) FN Tradable 0.0340 $181.99
Gut Knife Doppler (Phase 4) FN Tradable 0.0145 $181.99
Gut Knife Doppler (Phase 4) FN Tradable 0.0303 $181.99
Huntsman Knife Crimson Web WW Tradable 0.3873 $181.99
Driver Gloves Imperial Plaid BS 2023-12-16 0.7161
Driver Gloves Imperial Plaid BS 2023-12-14 0.7403
Classic Knife Case Hardened BS 2023-12-11 0.5453
Classic Knife Case Hardened BS 2023-12-11 0.9619
Classic Knife Case Hardened BS 2023-12-10 0.7124
Ursus Knife Crimson Web BS Tradable 0.7496 $180.99
Flip Knife Damascus Steel FT 2023-12-13 0.2036
Classic Knife Blue Steel MW Tradable 0.1428 $179.99
ST M4A1-S Mecha Industries FN 2023-12-14 0.0654
Huntsman Knife Crimson Web BS Tradable 0.7684 $178.99
Gut Knife Autotronic MW 2023-12-10 0.1458
ST M4A1-S Golden Coil MW 2023-12-16 0.0929
Falchion Knife Autotronic WW 2023-12-10 0.4022
Flip Knife Black Laminate BS Tradable 0.4925 $172.99
Driver Gloves Diamondback FT Tradable 0.1585 $172.99 0.15
AK-47 Panthera onca FT 2023-12-10 0.2243
ST Falchion Knife Freehand MW Tradable 0.1442 $169.99
Attacker (Gold) Boston 2018 undefined Tradable $169.99
Attacker (Gold) Boston 2018 undefined Tradable $169.99
Attacker (Gold) Boston 2018 undefined Tradable $169.99
Sticker Attacker (Gold) Boston 2018 Tradable $169.99
Sticker Attacker (Gold) Boston 2018 Tradable $169.99
Sticker Attacker (Gold) Boston 2018 Tradable $169.99
Shadow Daggers Slaughter MW Tradable 0.0792 $168.99 0.009, p3
AK-47 Asiimov FN 2023-12-12 0.0698
AK-47 Asiimov FN 2023-12-12 0.0699
Hand Wraps Badlands MW 2023-12-14 0.1345
AK-47 Case Hardened WW 2023-12-13 0.4233
Hand Wraps CAUTION! WW 2023-12-10 0.4434
Gut Knife Autotronic WW Tradable 0.4461 $163.99
Gut Knife Autotronic WW Tradable 0.4046 $163.99
Gut Knife Autotronic WW Tradable 0.3971 $163.99
Gut Knife Autotronic WW Tradable 0.3815 $163.99
Falchion Knife Freehand FN Tradable 0.0654 $161.99
Falchion Knife Freehand FN Tradable 0.0473 $161.99
Falchion Knife Freehand FN Tradable 0.0581 $161.99
Falchion Knife Freehand FN Tradable 0.0628 $161.99
USP-S Target Acquired FN Tradable 0.0560 $160.99
Flip Knife Bright Water BS 2023-12-13 0.4824
Moto Gloves POW! WW 2023-12-16 0.4380
Moto Gloves Blood Pressure FT 2023-12-12 0.3486
Shadow Daggers Slaughter FT 2023-12-11 0.1691
Gut Knife Case Hardened MW Tradable 0.0911 $157.99
Falchion Knife Bright Water FN Tradable 0.0093 $157.99 0.009
Specialist Gloves Lt. Commander FT 2023-12-15 0.2636
AWP Graphite FN Tradable 0.0198 $154.99 0.01, 9ine craft
SG 553 Integrale FN Tradable 0.0114 $154.99 0.01
Bowie Knife Freehand FN 2023-12-16 0.0086
ST AK-47 Vulcan BS 2023-12-13 0.6743
Shadow Daggers Slaughter MW 2023-12-15 0.0725
Shadow Daggers Slaughter MW 2023-12-12 0.0941
Shadow Daggers Slaughter MW 2023-12-11 0.1103
Shadow Daggers Slaughter MW 2023-12-11 0.1407
Shadow Daggers Slaughter MW 2023-12-10 0.1196
Shadow Daggers Slaughter MW Tradable 0.1042 $151.99
Shadow Daggers Slaughter MW Tradable 0.1223 $151.99
Shadow Daggers Lore MW 2023-12-16 0.1336
Shadow Daggers Lore MW 2023-12-16 0.1408
Shadow Daggers Lore MW 2023-12-10 0.1354
AWP Graphite FN 2023-12-13 0.0407
Stiletto Knife Night Stripe WW 2023-12-17 0.3840
ST Desert Eagle Code Red FN 2023-12-11 0.0699
ST Desert Eagle Printstream FN 2023-12-13 0.0689
ST Desert Eagle Printstream FN 2023-12-13 0.0690
ST Desert Eagle Printstream FN 2023-12-13 0.0676
Paracord Knife Crimson Web BS 2023-12-11 0.7043
Paracord Knife Crimson Web BS 2023-12-11 0.6993
Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike BS 2023-12-15 0.6743
Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike BS Tradable 0.7436 $144.99
Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike BS Tradable 0.6798 $144.99
Navaja Knife WW Tradable 0.3869 $143.99
Navaja Knife FT Tradable 0.3495 $143.99
Navaja Knife FT 2023-12-11 0.2175
Navaja Knife BS 2023-12-10 0.5784
Navaja Knife FT Tradable 0.2625 $142.99
Navaja Knife FT Tradable 0.3611 $142.99
Navaja Knife FT Tradable 0.2470 $142.99
Navaja Knife FT Tradable 0.3717 $142.99
Navaja Knife FT Tradable 0.3712 $142.99
Navaja Knife FT Tradable 0.3175 $142.99
Navaja Knife FT Tradable 0.3532 $142.99
Navaja Knife BS Tradable 0.7628 $142.99
Navaja Knife WW Tradable 0.3890 $142.99
Navaja Knife FT Tradable 0.2693 $142.99
Navaja Knife FT Tradable 0.2571 $142.99
Navaja Knife BS Tradable 0.5214 $142.99
ST Bowie Knife Black Laminate FT 2023-12-15 0.2688
Gut Knife Tiger Tooth FN 2023-12-13 0.0318
Gut Knife Tiger Tooth FN 2023-12-13 0.0359
Gut Knife Tiger Tooth FN 2023-12-13 0.0330
Survival Knife Case Hardened BS 2023-12-12 0.6456
Survival Knife Case Hardened BS 2023-12-12 0.7470
Bowie Knife Lore BS Tradable 0.8099 $140.99
Bowie Knife Lore BS Tradable 0.9119 $140.99
Navaja Knife Slaughter MW Tradable 0.0766 $138.99 0.07
USP-S Kill Confirmed FN 2023-12-11 0.0695
M4A1-S Hyper Beast FN Tradable 0.0134 $137.99 0.01, cloud9 craft
Stiletto Knife Boreal Forest FT 2023-12-16 0.1649
Specialist Gloves Marble Fade BS 2023-12-11 0.6751
Stiletto Knife Boreal Forest FT 2023-12-11 0.3137
Stiletto Knife Boreal Forest FT 2023-12-11 0.2487
Stiletto Knife Boreal Forest FT 2023-12-11 0.2772
Stiletto Knife Scorched FT 2023-12-13 0.3500
Stiletto Knife Scorched FT 2023-12-10 0.2691
Stiletto Knife Scorched FT 2023-12-10 0.3227
Stiletto Knife Scorched FT 2023-12-10 0.2245
Huntsman Knife Black Laminate FT 2023-12-14 0.3083
Huntsman Knife Black Laminate FT 2023-12-14 0.2001
Bowie Knife Blue Steel WW Tradable 0.4131 $132.99
Navaja Knife Tiger Tooth FN Tradable 0.0096 $132.99 0.009
Navaja Knife Tiger Tooth FN Tradable 0.0068 $131.99 0.006
Paracord Knife Blue Steel FT 2023-12-13 0.3130
Falchion Knife Lore BS Tradable 0.5939 $130.99
Navaja Knife Tiger Tooth FN 2023-12-13 0.0331
Navaja Knife Tiger Tooth FN 2023-12-13 0.0691
Moto Gloves Finish Line FT 2023-12-17 0.3507
Moto Gloves Finish Line FT 2023-12-13 0.3728
M4A4 The Emperor FN 2023-12-13 0.0369
Bowie Knife Black Laminate MW 2023-12-11 0.1193
Bowie Knife Black Laminate MW 2023-12-11 0.1435
Bowie Knife Black Laminate MW 2023-12-11 0.1270
Specialist Gloves Foundation BS 2023-12-16 0.6834
Huntsman Knife Night FT 2023-12-16 0.3621
AK-47 Fuel Injector FT 2023-12-15 0.2630
Huntsman Knife Night FT 2023-12-15 0.3057
AK-47 Fuel Injector FT 2023-12-14 0.1994
AK-47 Fuel Injector FT 2023-12-13 0.3033
AK-47 Fuel Injector FT 2023-12-10 0.2017
Moto Gloves Cool Mint BS Tradable 0.6845 $125.99
Huntsman Knife Urban Masked MW Tradable 0.1497 $125.99
Gut Knife FT Tradable 0.3669 $125.99
ST Navaja Knife Forest DDPAT BS Tradable 0.7780 $125.99
ST Navaja Knife Forest DDPAT BS Tradable 0.6179 $125.99
M4A1-S Printstream FT 2023-12-14 0.3444
M4A1-S Printstream FT 2023-12-13 0.2408
M4A1-S Printstream FT 2023-12-11 0.2195
Shadow Daggers Case Hardened FT Tradable 0.1988 $124.99
Navaja Knife Slaughter FT 2023-12-15 0.2405
Flip Knife Boreal Forest FT 2023-12-13 0.3752
M4A1-S Hyper Beast FN 2023-12-13 0.0396
Ursus Knife Damascus Steel WW Tradable 0.4297 $122.99
Falchion Knife Stained MW 2023-12-10 0.1294
Shadow Daggers Case Hardened BS Tradable 0.8029 $119.99
Shadow Daggers Case Hardened BS Tradable 0.5193 $119.99
Shadow Daggers Case Hardened BS Tradable 0.8600 $119.99
Shadow Daggers Case Hardened BS Tradable 0.8946 $119.99
AWP Wildfire FN 2023-12-16 0.0653
Bowie Knife Stained BS 2023-12-13 0.8088
Nomad Knife Scorched FT 2023-12-10 0.2025
ST AWP Redline MW Tradable 0.1363 $117.99 stickers
Falchion Knife Bright Water MW 2023-12-10 0.1190
Bowie Knife Ultraviolet WW Tradable 0.4217 $116.99
Survival Knife Stained WW 2023-12-14 0.4200
Specialist Gloves Mogul BS Tradable 0.7441 $112.99
ST Shadow Daggers Boreal Forest FT Tradable 0.2061 $112.99
AWP Asiimov FT 2023-12-12 0.3749
ST USP-S Printstream MW 2023-12-12 0.1134
Paracord Knife Night Stripe FT Tradable 0.2515 $106.99 0.25
AK-47 Bloodsport FN 2023-12-12 0.0613
Gut Knife Crimson Web FT 2023-12-15 0.3537
Gut Knife Crimson Web FT 2023-12-12 0.3148
Gut Knife Crimson Web FT 2023-12-12 0.3057
Huntsman Knife Ultraviolet FT Tradable 0.2264 $104.99
Huntsman Knife Ultraviolet FT Tradable 0.3655 $104.99
Bowie Knife Bright Water WW 2023-12-15 0.4146
Huntsman Knife Bright Water FT 2023-12-10 0.1863
ST Survival Knife Safari Mesh MW Tradable 0.1195 $101.99
Huntsman Knife Scorched FT 2023-12-11 0.1686
Falchion Knife Night FT 2023-12-10 0.3174
Huntsman Knife Scorched FT 2023-12-10 0.1668
ST USP-S Dark Water MW Tradable 0.1399 $100.99
ST USP-S Dark Water MW Tradable 0.1466 $100.99
Gut Knife Stained WW 2023-12-15 0.4311
Driver Gloves Diamondback FT Tradable 0.3012 $99.99
Driver Gloves Diamondback FT Tradable 0.3306 $99.99
Driver Gloves Convoy MW Tradable 0.1494 $99.99
Shadow Daggers Autotronic WW 2023-12-10 0.3824
Falchion Knife Ultraviolet BS Tradable 0.6813 $98.99
Shadow Daggers Crimson Web BS Tradable 0.7077 $98.99
Classic Knife Safari Mesh FT 2023-12-11 0.2533
Gut Knife Damascus Steel FT 2023-12-10 0.2905
Gut Knife Damascus Steel FT 2023-12-10 0.1607
Gut Knife Damascus Steel FT Tradable 0.3553 $95.99
Gut Knife Damascus Steel FT Tradable 0.2121 $95.99
Gut Knife Damascus Steel FT Tradable 0.2106 $95.99
MAC-10 Case Hardened FT Tradable 0.2845 $95.99 nice blue top
Shadow Daggers Autotronic FT 2023-12-12 0.1841
Driver Gloves Overtake FT Tradable 0.3606 $93.99
AWP Hyper Beast FN Tradable 0.0699 $91.99 kennys london 18 foil on scope
M4A4 Asiimov WW Tradable 0.4390 $89.99
Bowie Knife Urban Masked FT 2023-12-13 0.3636
Gut Knife Ultraviolet WW Tradable 0.3855 $87.99
Gut Knife Ultraviolet WW Tradable 0.4345 $87.99
Shadow Daggers Blue Steel BS Tradable 0.8632 $87.99
Shadow Daggers Blue Steel BS Tradable 0.8369 $87.99
Falchion Knife Safari Mesh BS 2023-12-12 0.5926
Shadow Daggers Bright Water FN 2023-12-10 0.0453
Shadow Daggers Bright Water FN Tradable 0.0517 $86.99
Paracord Knife Safari Mesh MW 2023-12-13 0.1483
Moto Gloves POW! BS Tradable 0.7728 $85.99
ST P2000 Fire Elemental MW Tradable 0.1142 $85.99
Specialist Gloves Forest DDPAT BS 2023-12-15 0.7022
Specialist Gloves Forest DDPAT BS 2023-12-10 0.6662
Specialist Gloves Forest DDPAT BS Tradable 0.4996 $84.99
Specialist Gloves Forest DDPAT BS Tradable 0.4667 $84.99
Gut Knife Boreal Forest MW Tradable 0.1065 $84.99
XM1014 Frost Borre WW Tradable 0.4365 $84.99
Gut Knife Scorched MW Tradable 0.1385 $83.99
Shadow Daggers Forest DDPAT WW Tradable 0.4271 $83.99
Gut Knife Scorched MW Tradable 0.1229 $83.99
Shadow Daggers Stained FT 2023-12-10 0.3660
Hydra Gloves Emerald MW Tradable 0.1258 $81.99
Shadow Daggers Stained FT Tradable 0.2579 $81.99
Navaja Knife Stained MW Tradable 0.1328 $81.99
Shadow Daggers Bright Water MW Tradable 0.1212 $80.99
AWP Asiimov WW Tradable 0.4330 $80.99
MP7 Teal Blossom FN Tradable 0.0279 $80.99
Gut Knife Forest DDPAT WW Tradable 0.3807 $80.99
Paracord Knife Scorched BS 2023-12-15 0.6252
Shadow Daggers Ultraviolet BS Tradable 0.6482 $79.99
Gut Knife Urban Masked FT 2023-12-10 0.3773
ST Shadow Daggers Rust Coat BS Tradable 0.5184 $78.99
Navaja Knife Damascus Steel FT 2023-12-16 0.2112
Navaja Knife Blue Steel FT 2023-12-11 0.3306
Navaja Knife Blue Steel FT Tradable 0.2680 $76.99
Shadow Daggers Safari Mesh WW Tradable 0.3837 $76.99
Shadow Daggers Bright Water FT Tradable 0.2401 $76.99
AK-47 Aquamarine Revenge FN 2023-12-13 0.0688
Gut Knife Scorched FT Tradable 0.3023 $75.99
Driver Gloves Overtake BS Tradable 0.5034 $75.99 0.50
Gut Knife Scorched FT Tradable 0.3321 $75.99
AK-47 Aquamarine Revenge FN Tradable 0.0680 $75.99
Navaja Knife Night Stripe MW Tradable 0.1350 $75.99
Desert Eagle Golden Koi FN 2023-12-16 0.0072
AK-47 Head Shot FN 2023-12-10 0.0597
Shadow Daggers Night FT Tradable 0.3321 $74.99
Gut Knife Safari Mesh FT Tradable 0.3563 $74.99
Hand Wraps Constrictor MW Tradable 0.1447 $74.99
Gut Knife Safari Mesh FT Tradable 0.3605 $74.99
Hand Wraps Badlands BS Tradable 0.5341 $73.99
Hand Wraps Badlands BS Tradable 0.5322 $73.99
Hand Wraps Badlands BS Tradable 0.6459 $73.99
Moto Gloves Eclipse BS Tradable 0.6247 $71.99
Shadow Daggers Scorched FT Tradable 0.3015 $71.99
Shadow Daggers Scorched FT Tradable 0.2988 $71.99
Hydra Gloves Case Hardened BS 2023-12-15 0.6946
Hydra Gloves Case Hardened BS 2023-12-15 0.7724
Navaja Knife Stained WW 2023-12-13 0.4437
ST AK-47 Wasteland Rebel FT 2023-12-10 0.2691
AK-47 Bloodsport WW Tradable 0.4486 $70.99
Navaja Knife Stained WW Tradable 0.4328 $70.99
UMP-45 Day Lily FT Tradable 0.2365 $70.99
ST M4A1-S Cyrex MW 2023-12-16 0.0825
Navaja Knife Forest DDPAT FT 2023-12-13 0.2758
ST SSG 08 Dragonfire FN 2023-12-13 0.0540
AWP BOOM FT 2023-12-15 0.1823
Glock-18 Dragon Tattoo FN 2023-12-13 0.0231
AWP BOOM FT 2023-12-11 0.2622
ST M4A4 X-Ray FN 2023-12-10 0.0332
ST Desert Eagle Code Red MW 2023-12-10 0.1112
M4A1-S Atomic Alloy FN Tradable 0.0558 $63.99
M4A4 The Coalition MW Tradable 0.1383 $61.99
Glock-18 Gamma Doppler (Phase 3) FN 2023-12-15 0.0699
Glock-18 Gamma Doppler (Phase 3) FN 2023-12-13 0.0669
Glock-18 Gamma Doppler (Phase 3) FN Tradable 0.0369 $50.99
Hand Wraps Constrictor FT Tradable 0.3572 $50.99
Glock-18 Gamma Doppler (Phase 1) FN 2023-12-13 0.0698
Glock-18 Gamma Doppler (Phase 1) FN 2023-12-10 0.0530
Glock-18 Gamma Doppler (Phase 1) BS Tradable 0.4596 $40.99
Glock-18 Gamma Doppler (Phase 3) FT 2023-12-17 0.1829
Glock-18 Gamma Doppler (Phase 1) WW 2023-12-13 0.4316
Glock-18 Gamma Doppler (Phase 3) WW 2023-12-12 0.4319
Desert Eagle Printstream FT 2023-12-11 0.2186
USP-S Printstream FT 2023-12-11 0.3061
USP-S Printstream FT 2023-12-10 0.2069
USP-S Printstream FT 2023-12-10 0.3358
P250 Cartel MW Tradable 0.1405 $25.99 tsm kinguin kato 15 x2
INS (Holo) Rio 2022 undefined Tradable $24.99
Sticker INS (Holo) Rio 2022 Tradable $24.99
ST AK-47 Ice Coaled MW 2023-12-10 0.1368
AWP Sun in Leo FN 2023-12-10 0.0566
ST AWP Duality MW 2023-12-10 0.0831
M4A4 Temukau FT 2023-12-10 0.2576
M4A4 Temukau FT 2023-12-10 0.2425
AWP Neo-Noir FT 2023-12-14 0.1992
ST AK-47 Nightwish WW 2023-12-14 0.4386
UMP-45 Blaze FN 2023-12-11 0.0086
AWP Duality FN 2023-12-10 0.0036
ST Glock-18 Wasteland Rebel FT Tradable 0.1862 $13.99
Desert Eagle Ocean Drive WW 2023-12-14 0.3913
ST Glock-18 Water Elemental FT 2023-12-11 0.2283
ST AK-47 Ice Coaled FT 2023-12-10 0.2680
AK-47 Ice Coaled MW 2023-12-10 0.1005
FlameZ (Gold) Rio 2022 undefined Tradable $9.99
Sticker FlameZ (Gold) Rio 2022 Tradable $9.99
AWP Chromatic Aberration FT 2023-12-10 0.1752
Desert Eagle Heirloom MW Tradable 0.1002 $6.99
M4A1-S Nightmare WW 2023-12-15 0.4351
MP9 Mount Fuji FN 2023-12-14 0.0530
MP9 Mount Fuji FN 2023-12-11 0.0560
AK-47 Ice Coaled FT 2023-12-10 0.3434
AK-47 Ice Coaled FT 2023-12-10 0.3355
AK-47 Legion of Anubis FT 2023-12-10 0.3079
Rio 2022 Dust II Souvenir Package undefined 2023-12-15
Rio 2022 Dust II Souvenir Package undefined 2023-12-15
Rio 2022 Dust II Souvenir Package undefined 2023-12-15
ST M4A4 Tooth Fairy BS 2023-12-11 0.5847
Desert Eagle Conspiracy MW 2023-12-10 0.1026
Desert Eagle Conspiracy MW Tradable 0.1028 $4.99
USP-S Guardian FN Tradable 0.0469 $4.99
ST M4A1-S Night Terror MW Tradable 0.1221 $3.99
Glock-18 Grinder MW Tradable 0.1140 $1.99
Vitality (Gold) 2020 RMR undefined Tradable $1.99
Sticker Vitality (Gold) 2020 RMR Tradable $1.99
Danger Zone Case undefined Tradable $0.99
ST MAG-7 Heat BS Tradable 0.5513 $0.99
ST P250 Cyber Shell FT Tradable 0.1701 $0.99


I used Steam Market prices for a long time and this section described how I have done that in detail. I moved on to using Buff prices sometime around the end of 2020. There is a lot more volume compared to any other single CS:GO marketplace, including the official one. I was convinced by the argument that we should use the data from the most popular source as "source of truth". Zipel has a nice, detailed video about Buff prices, Cash vs. Steam Prices that you can watch if you like that format. I will describe my personal method of pricing.

95%+ items are very easy to price on buff, simply take the cheapest listed right now and you are done. This works very well for liquids (items with ample supply and volume), which is the reason I use "BUFF163 - BUFF Starting at" as the pricing mode in my extension. It gets more complicated when the items are rare enough that they only have a few or none listed on buff. If you know that an item you are dealing with is rare, or that you can only see a few listed what you can do is:

  • Check the Trade Records or Price Trend tabs for data on the item's actual sales history
  • Check the Buy Orders tab, if the item is rare it might not be very useful but at least it gives you a minimum price
  • Check the prices of other exteriors, for example don't value a Minimal Wear item more than a Factory New
  • If the item is StatTrak™ than checking the non-st price and its relation to other exterior's prices can give you some hints
  • The above works the other way around too, but there is almost always more data for non-st ones, it can also help with Souvenirs
  • It's not really a pricing tip but a general advice, if it's so rare that you can't find a reliable price than you might want to avoid that item

The third group of items, items with good to great, to top float, stickered, patterned, one-of-a-kind items where Buff really shines over the Steam Market. For example, you can filter for Doppler Phases, Fade percentages, floats and some patterns. Just keep it in mind that you should not "overfilter", it's an easy mistake to make especially with patterns, since there are so many of them. Filtering to Paint Seeds and finding one like yours listed for x price might not mean anything. Another example to overfiltering would be owning a 97% Fade knife with 0.009 float. Since these combinations are so rare that you might only find a few listings matching your criteria. My tip to avoid overfiltering is not using the default ranges preset by Buff, rather choosing Customize and entering 97-100 for the Fade Range in the latter example. Valuing stickered items is very hard, which is of the reasons why I avoid items with expensive stickers. I recommend watching Zipel's guide to pricing stickered skins. Patterned item valuing (ch gems, etc) is an art of its own, I generally avoid them. Occasionally a helpful Steam guide comes along but honestly, I don't have the patience to count pixels and keep track of such items in my inventory. Broskins might be able to help you with them.

Becoming a trader

I have been getting questions about how one becomes a trader so I thought I would sum up my general response here. First, let me make that very clear that starting out with trading in the current climate is extremely hard and I don’t recommend doing it. The reasons for this are many, but they are neither obvious nor simple. I already detailed how I started trading in its own section. The problem is that it’s not really viable way anymore.

You can’t snipe items off the market because of bot overgrowth, you can’t invest in cases because their price does not go up, or at least not that quickly. You can’t get quicksells because of Valve’s policies and because so many others started doing it then it has just died. If you seriously set your mind on getting into trading, I recommend putting in some serious cash and time to get anywhere, but that is just my two cents based on my experience.

If after reading all of this, you still want to give trading a try give my YouTube channel a look. You can see how I do my trades in the trading sessions. By watching them you can learn all the tricks when it comes to actual trading. I also created more how-to videos, like how to find people to trade with.


Good reputation is very important for me. I have been called a scammer by people who don’t think it’s possible to become successful without cheating. That is essentially the reason I wrote this section, this way I can just link to it whenever my reputation comes to doubt.

First let me emphasize that you DO NOT have to trust me. I try to do everything that is possible through steam trade offers. This way there is no possibility of anyone getting something other than or less than what they were promised. If we are doing a cash deal and you need more confidence to deal with me I gathered some reputation info here.

Profile “+reps” are not a very good way to determine trust, but I have gathered 996 pages of them, which adds up to close to 6000 over 9 years as of this writing. I have clean slate on SteamRep and 48 done cash deals on CSGO-REP with all of those people going first. I don't really collect cash or profile rep anymore since people rarely have issues trusting me, and if they do, a few more of those won't help.

I am level 350 on Steam, which allows me to have the maximum (2000) friends. I have made over 123,000 trades and 74,000 market transactions on Steam. I have a great inventory of thousands of items that I would not dare to risk over some petty scams. I don’t hide behind silly nicknames and private profiles, I am very open about who I am, you can find my social media here on my site. On top of this, over 150 thousand people trust me and actively use my extension.


I have been getting increasing number of messages about profiles that are made to look like mine. I only have a single account with level 350, it's linked in the Trade with me section. I WILL NEVER ADD YOU if you don’t specifically ask for it. These profiles often take my inventory link and put it in their description, making it look like its theirs. They try to use my reputation to make people send their items first in some real money transactions, "verifying" your items or sending you scam site links. These are the methods I have heard of so far.

I used to collect the links to my impersonators' profiles here, but there are so many, and they change so quickly that I could not keep up with it. This is what you get if you search for my name on steam, the top one is me, the rest of the 33 are scammers and this is only my most recent name...

List of impersonators found by a Steam friends search

I can’t do much more than reporting them and trying to warn others not to fall for them. You can initiate a SteamRep report if you have evidence, or just report them on steam directly:

Report Violation through steam profile
Impersonating another user option

The latest trend in impersonation is through Facebook and Discord, especially Discord. Users seem to fall for it more often when it takes more than just opening the account's inventory and see that it's empty. Many don't seem to know that you can easily link your Steam account to your Discord. You should not believe anyone on Discord claiming to be someone else on Steam if they don't have their accounts linked. I don't use Discord for trading so if someone hits you up there with my name, you can just refer them to this page.


Having many items has disadvantages as well. Other than the constant swarm of scammers trying to infiltrate my inventory, there are beggars too. These are mostly kids from poor countries or unfortunate circumstances. They beg, lie, and even threaten me to get free items. They often invent stories of dead relatives, say it would make their dreams come true or set them for life. I have a zero-tolerance policy towards them.

In my view giving away my items for free would not even count as a charitable donation because the recipients are not really in need of the items. Like does anyone really NEED a knife or a nice skin for a video game they waste their time on? I think not. And if I wasn’t trading I would very likely not have any expensive skins and especially not a knife. By this standard it would mean that I am giving away a luxury to others that I would not spend my OWN money on for my OWN use. That would be insane, right? Yes, it would.

You could argue that they don’t want the items, they just need its value and I accept that argument. But I can’t reward begging, which would mean that I am rewarding laziness. In that case these young fellas would just learn that there are folks out there giving them something for free when they ask. I don’t want to support the imprinting of this expectation.

There is of course the argument I often get in some form of “but it’s nothing to you man”. This is absolutely incorrect; it is something for me. I worked and am still working hard for what I got. Implying that a knife is like a piece of candy for me that has no value is just laughable. Even for the cheapest knives I probably work a few hours for, would you think that hours of my life worth nothing to me? If you do, you are mistaken.

There are some cases where people are in real need, and they ask for a donation. Unfortunately, on the internet everyone can claim to be whatever they want, without others being able to confirm it. This leads to many made up stories and fake charities. So even when someone is in real need, they cannot prove it. Even if they were able to, how do I choose who gets and who doesn’t?

This is a real dilemma that many others face in their everyday lives. In reality, the answer to this question is not that complicated. The ones most in need get it, right? Well, kind of. In my view we should give money where it can be most efficiently used. The GiveWell organization has an audited list of the most efficient transparent charitable organizations around. On the top of this list as of this writing is the Against Malaria Foundation. This org distributes mosquito nets around African countries efficiently decreasing child mortality rates. So think this through, let is sink in then ask yourself. If you are one of the people asking for your “dream items”, do you really think you would use the money better than an African kid without protection against malaria spreading mosquitoes?

So please don't be one of these guys:

Guy begs for item.
Guy begs for item.

Guy begs for item.
Guy begs for item.

My Browser Extension for trading

I have created a site for it that has much more detail so I will just leave a link here and let you check the details there. It's at The site details the extension's features, where you can get it, how prices are calculated, etc. You can also find of me showcasing the extension's features below.